Mattresses & Bedding

The Owners

Nu Rest Staff Bio



Terry & Jane Milford

The Milfords are the proud owners of Nu-Rest Bedding. High school sweethearts at Brookfield High School in Brookfield, Missouri, Jane and Terry have been married for over 40 years. They raised three incredible kids (in their completely unbiased opinion) Elizabeth, John, and Marie, all of whom are college graduates, now living, working, and paying taxes on their own. Jane and Terry are very proud of their two darling granddaughters as well. In 1996 Terry & Jane purchased Milford's Service Station and have worked side by side for Twenty years. Terry, the auto mechanic, and Jane, the clerk of the convenience store, ran a true modern-day mom and pop operation. When they heard of Carl Thomas’ death,  they were devastated along with the rest of the Laclede community. We knew that Nu-Rest Bedding was a thriving local business and they couldn't bear to see the doors close. So after many late-night discussions and a few signs from God, they purchased Nu-Rest Bedding. Now the story of this small-town success story and American-made product continues….